Monday, February 4, 2013

A bad memory of hometown...

Once my brother said - Sometimes even dog's attitude is better than humanbeings, because dog barks on unknowns but human on his own known people. I am writing this about my bitter experience while I visited my hometown. Some people do not want to see the progress of this own colleagues. I visited my hometown after 4 years and half. I called many of my friends for casual drink. Since I visited my hometown after so long time and I visited few of my friends after 8-9 years, I was excited to listen about their progress and even talk about my own progress.

  In the first round the situation was very nice and calm. Everyone was busy on telling his own story, we all happy to listen and share the stories. But, after sometime, some of our friends left and new friends joined. When I got a chance to talk, I gave my business card to the late comers. When I gave my card, one of my friends also gave his business card to new comers. I was expecting congratulation or some inspirational words from the friends. Unexpectedly, one friend in the table started yelling and started using abusive words. He said two f***ers wanna show off that they are successful. He was not much drunk. I did not understand his intention. It's general custom to share phone number and email address giving cards. What was his problem, I didn't understand. I am still thinking, what's his problem. 

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